Nature One
For the second year in a row, the legendary Nature One festival wasn’t able to take place like we’re all used to. Due to that, the team of Nature One organized a four- day streaming event with acts like Paul Van Dyk, Klaudia Gawlas, YouNotUs, Moonbootica and many more!
In the planning process of the streaming event, the team of Nature One approached us, as they were looking for a partner to coordinate all paid media activities for the stream to generate as much as traffic possible for the stream.

Let’s magnify the results

To generate as much traffic as possible we’ve set up a full-funnel campaign for the streaming event, targeting different audience personas to generate awareness for the stream.
In the prospecting phase of the campaign, we wanted to communicate relevant information to people, who have been already aware of the brand Nature One before (engaged with the page, followed, or visited a website) as well as reach new target audiences to further build the following on Facebook & Instagram.
Based on the line up we analyzed the various musical genres included and through that developed different interest profiles, which we could target with the campaign.
In the re-engagement phase, we wanted to give people, who interacted with any of the ads in the prospecting phase, more information about the stream. In order to do so, we used various impressions from the last Nature One stream, carousel ad’s with all the artists included and in addition that Dark Ads running on the artist’s pages.
The dark ad running on the socials of Klaudia Gawlas for example achieved extraordinary results. With only 300€ we’ve reached 76.000 people at a CPM of 1,79€, 45.000 post engagements with a cost of only 0.01€ per interaction.
The retargeting phase of the campaign, which targets any people who visited the landing page, was activated during the streaming event to maximize traffic during the span of the stream.